What does “from third countries” mean?

Third countries – in the meaning of the law on ensuring quality in the acquisition of nurses from abroad – are countries that are not member states of the European Union or contract countries of the agreement on the European Economic Area.


What are the requirements of the seal of quality, and where can I find them?

You can find the requirements that need to be fulfilled in order to receive the seal of quality in the document Requirements catalogue (last updated 01.10.2022) and Implementation conditions (last updated 01.10.2022). These versions are currently undergoing the legally prescribed adaption procedure, meaning that they may be subject to change.


What is the legal basis for the seal of quality?

The legal basis for the seal of quality is the law on ensuring quality in the acquisition of nurses from abroad (article 15a of the Health Care Further Development Act of 11 July 2021 - BGBl I, p. 2753 et seq.) The law regulates the issuing of the seal of quality and determines requirements for the granting


What does high ethical standards of recruitment actually mean?

In concrete terms, this refers to the agreements and procedures relating to the acquisitions of nurses. By developing criteria for fair and appropriate recruitment and contractual practices, and by reviewing and making visible compliance with these criteria, Germany is following the WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel. Recruitment that


Can I get in touch with the DKF if I want to recruit a nurse from abroad?

The DKF is not a recruitment agency for foreign nurses and cannot recommend any providers either. The DKF also does not offer language courses, nor integrations courses or qualification measures and alignment courses. Neither does the DKF offer comprehensive advice on the international recruitment of nurses. With the “Welcome Culture & Integration Toolbox”, the DKF


What principles underpin the work of the DKF?

Working group 4 (nurses from abroad) of the concerted Aktion Pflege campaign of the federal government has passed measures for the acquisition of nurses from abroad. The aim of the Competence Centre is to be involved in the development, support and implementation of measures for the acquisition of people with a nursing or healthcare training


Is the DKF another provider of recruitment and integration services?

No, the DKF is not a recruitment agency or commercial provider of integration and consultation services. The DKF supports the development of content and structures through which the recruitment and placement of international nurses as well as their sustainable social, operational and specialist integration can be promoted.


Is the DKF a company?

No, the DKF is not a company. It is a project financed by the Federal Ministry of Health and sponsored by the Kuratorium Deutsche Altershilfe (KDA).



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