Significance of the DKF requirement fields

For a fair and sustainable acquisition of employees from abroad, a systematic and concept-based procedure is essential. With good, comprehensible concepts that are systematically implemented, a company can adapt its structures for all parties involved and present its processes transparently. Positive, conscious and stringent action in the admission of new employees is conducive to this. To provide support, the DKF has identified 15 requirement fields that help companies to create an operational integration management concept and thus sustainably support new employees.

Content of the concept

It is important that the concept incorporates (at least) the following points:

  • Preparations after recruitment
  • Arrival and the first days
  • Support in relocation management
  • Establishment of integration management
  • Sponsorships and mentoring
  • Organisation of the recognition process
  • Adapt induction training
  • Support teambuilding
  • Develop skills
  • Intercept conflicts
  • Enable societal participation
  • Dealing with termination and poaching
  • Shaping recruitment process transparently and fairly
  • Promotion of language development
  • Take families into account

The “Welcome Culture & Integration Toolbox” describes the content of the requirement fields in detail, lists examples from practice and offers tips and ideas for support in implementation.

The individual companies decide which measures, offers and services to take up. The main priority is to adapt the toolbox to the company’s own processes.

Of course, further information can also be laid down in the concept, for example:

  • Who (employees or departments) has been involved in its development
  • How and when will the concept be further developed or updated
  • Date of the current version
  • Target and plan of measures
  • Responsibilities

An operational integration management concept can be used attractively, especially at the beginning of a recruitment process. It offers employers the opportunity to present themselves early in the placement stage to interested nurses from abroad with a comprehensive concept, in an appreciative and well prepared way. This is also an effective way of communicating the company’s attitude towards ethically justifiable and fair recruitment.

Seal of quality:
Fair Recruitment Healthcare Germany

The15 requirement fields of the DKF were developed as part of the ‘Fair Recruitment Healthcare Germany’ quality mark. Companies awarded the ‘Fair Recruitment Healthcare Germany’ quality mark ensure transparency in the recruitment process. With a operational integration management concept, the recruiting employer can introduce themselves to potential new employees while they are still abroad. Sustainability and participation can thus be improved in the recruitment process.

Work aids

Screenshot der Abreitshilfe

Assistance in developing an integration management concept:
Systematic processing of the individual requirement fields
Define overall and sub-goals
Determine measures
Determine completion period and employees

(New revised version 07/24)

Download Arbeitshilfe .exel

Why an operational integration management concept is important

An integration management concept can offer support to nursing and healthcare companies in the following areas:

  • to potential employees abroad, it can be understood as part of the “application” of the company itself. The interested parties can use the concept to understand how a company positions itself when recruiting abroad and what kind of internal and external support it can or would like to provide to new employees in the recruitment process.
  • to existing employees:
    • it can be used as an instrument to provide information and transparency.
    • it can be used to incorporate employees into the recruitment process and to portray this transparently. It reveals new fields of work. The challenges of international recruitment and operational, professional and social integration are sketched out for them right from the beginning. In this way, employees can make suggestions where possible, take on tasks and contribute to the success of the process.
    • it can also help to prevent conflict and promote inclusion. There is always potential for conflict within change processes, especially when it comes to integrating employees from abroad into existing teams, work structures and processes. An integration concept that is transparent for all sides can help prevent such conflicts or deal with them effectively.
  • in cooperation with recruitment agencies, service providers, partners and associates, it can show what services a company can provide on its own. But it also becomes clear where expertise and services from external service providers (e.g. agencies, trainers, consultants) should be called upon. It also shows which civil societal partners a company systematically cooperates with, for example associations for the promotion of skilled workers or faith communities.
  • it can help to structure internal processes and organise interface management. It becomes clear who is responsible for which tasks and who is available as a contact person for which topics. Communication and coordination processes can be created and used when necessary. At the same time, a concept is useful for monitoring purposes because the agreed measures, offers and services can be estimated and monitored with regard to their personnel and material costs.

Nursing and healthcare companies who strategically recruit new employees for nursing care abroad – independently or through a recruitment agency – can use the tool of documented, company-specific and operational integration management to enable transparent and well-managed recruitment.

Jointly developing an operational integration management concept

The DKF recommends that companies interested in systematically recruiting nurses at an international level establish a working committee to accompany the conceptual development process. An integration manager can play a central role in the optimisation of business and operationally relevant processes.

The DKF is happy to be the contact person for companies interested in recruiting nurses internationally.

To this end, the advisory offices of the funding programme “Integration through qualification” in partnership with the service for employers of the employment agencies and the Central Service Center for Professional Recognition (ZSBA) offer support in the implementation of measures that lead towards integration. The welcome centres of the federal states also offer advisory services. Management consultants with the requisite expertise are also available on the open market.

Consulting service for the operational integration management concept

We would be happy to advise you on the further development of your operational integration management concept and are guided by the DKF requirement fields.

We are also here to support you as a contact partner for all other questions in the field of operational integration management.

Feel free to get in touch with us – we would be delighted to hear from you!

Your contact partners for all queries:

Deutsches Kompetenzzentrum für internationale Fachkräfte in den Gesundheits- und Pflegeberufen (DKF)
im Kuratorium Deutsche Altershilfe (KDA)

Miriam Pleuger

Miriam PleugerTelefon +49 30 / 2218298 – 61,

Ha Phuong Le-Fitzek

Ha Phuong Le-FitzekTelefon +49 30 / 2218298 – 61,

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