Who is responsible for implementing a company integration management programme?

The responsibility for implementing a company integration management programme lies primarily with the company management. In larger organisations, a special integration management department or a central contact person is often appointed for this task. This person or department is responsible for coordinating and implementing measures for the recruitment, entry and integration of international care professionals.


What are the long-term benefits for my company of a company integration management programme?

Company integration management brings many long-term benefits for employers who recruit internationally. It promotes the sustainable integration of internationally trained nurses and also strengthens the welcoming culture, which increases employee satisfaction and loyalty. This can reduce staff turnover and ensure the long-term retention of qualified specialists. Good integration management also supports the recognition and familiarisation


Do I have to deal with all fields?

Organisations that want to recruit internationally trained nurses and successfully integrate them into their operational processes should be aware of their own areas of responsibility and competence. In order to be able to anticipate possible challenges in the run-up to recruitment, it makes sense to look at all areas of requirements. Some companies will already


Who is the WW&I for?

The Welcome Culture & Integration toolbox (WW&I) is aimed at responsible employees who are entrusted with topics relating to the international recruitment of nurses in acute and long-term care organisations.


What can I find at WW&I?

WW&I provides helpful information on various topics relating to sustainable workplace integration within 15 requirement fields. You will also find many links to further information and best practice examples from organisations that have already successfully tested certain solution strategies.


What does the DKF do on the topic of operational integration management?

The DKF provides the ‘Welcome Culture and Integration Toolbox’ (WW&I) online service free of charge to help organisations develop a company integration management concept (IMK), which also focuses on aspects of company, professional and social integration. Furthermore, the DKF advises institutions that recruit internationally trained nurses on the development of an IMK, brings topics to


To what extent is INGA Pflege an adaptation programme?

The professional alignment course INGA Pflege specifically compensates for the significant differences identified in the GfG sample reports. The content therefore builds on the competences already acquired by internationally educated nurses. During the programme, the nurses learn about professional practice in German healthcare and nursing facilities. The practical assignment takes place with practical guidance in



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