Introducing the team

Our employees have a well-established background and comprehensive professional experience dating back many years. A multidisciplinary team develops content, networks, advises and informs interested parties in the most diverse sectors.

Dr. Sarina Strumpen
Dr. Sarina StrumpenProjektleitung

+49 30 / 2218298 – 48

Annette Bomba
Annette BombaWissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin / stellvertretende Projektleitung

+49 30 / 2218298 – 51

Angela Isacchi
Angela IsacchiTeamassistenz

+49 30 / 2218298 – 57

Therese Bach
Therese BachWissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

+49 30 / 2218298 – 53

Miriam Pleuger
Miriam PleugerWissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

+49 30 / 2218298 – 61

Ha Phuong Le-Fitzek
Ha Phuong Le-FitzekWissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

+49 30 / 2218298 – 60

Julia Schmidt
Julia SchmidtWissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

+49 30 / 2218298 – 59

Dr. Stefanie Visel
Dr. Stefanie ViselWissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

+49 30 / 2218298 – 50

Council of the DKF

Mitglieder des DKF Beirats 2024

Council –
the advisory partnership of the DKF

The DKF’s work is underpinned by a committee made up of members and invited guests. Its aims are both to support the DKF through the expertise of the Council members and to connect experts in recruiting international nurses.

The members of the Council are associations, representatives working in practice, the federal states and departments responsible for the framework conditions for acquiring nurses. 
In the interests of cooperation and consensus building, the Council is integrated into the central processes of the DKF and can be supplemented by further subject-specific expertise. It meets twice a year in Berlin at the invitation of the DKF.

Council members and guests:

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